Recipe from Susie Garcia, RD Recipe from Susie Garcia, RD Try this Easy Stir Fry Recipe – Low Carb Chicken, Broccoli & Mushroom Stir-Fry Easy Stir Fry Recipe & Video I hope you enjoy this video and can see how easy it is to prepare this healthy meal! Low Carb Chicken, Broccoli & Mushroom Stir-Fry PREP TIME 15 Min TOTAL…
Pan-Seared Tilapia with Citrus Vinaigrette
Pan-Seared Tilapia with Citrus Vinaigrette Another delicious clean-eating recipe! Just make sure your tilapia is wild-caught, not farm-raised. We can table that argument for another day, but for now just know that wild-caught fish is healthier, has a higher concentration of omega-3 and much lower levels of toxins and antibiotics. Here’s how to prepare it! Ingredients 4…
Susie’s Juicing Experience
Many clients and friends have asked me if I have ever “juiced” – and up until about a week ago my answer was, No. However it is something I’ve always wanted to try especially with the ever growing popularity of Joe Cross (Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead). So I bought a juicer, lots of produce, used…
Eating for Energy Not Emotion by guest expert Susie Garcia, RDN

Emotional eating is something that many struggle with, where you feed your feelings rather than a hungry stomach. Today’s segment is part of a series by my guest expert Susie Garcia, who will unravel ways to deal with emotional eating and how to control it! Susie, over to you… There are several different types of emotional…
Veggies for the week
I wanted to get a head start for the week so I roasted a big pan of vegetables to have on hand for the entire week. I gathered up some easy ingredients – 1 Fennel Bulb 1 Yellow Pepper 1 large Yellow Beet 1 Leek 1 Parsnip A few garlic cloves Chop everything…
It’s April! How is your health?
Wow! Spring is here! How are you doing on your health goals? Please check out this short video – I’d love to help! PS – Get my free gift – “7 Simple Steps to a Healthier You” at:
Lose Belly Fat – Watch Complexion Kitchen’s new episode!
I was so honored to be Jacqueline’s guest on the March episode of Complexion Kitchen! Just in time for National Nutrition Month! We talk about belly fat, inflammation, and make a easy and delicious breakfast recipe! Check it out and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to Complexion Kitchen’s YouTube video! Have an amazing day! Susie
Don’t Miss – Skinny Secrets Webinar Series
Are you struggling with getting a healthy lifestyle plan that works for you? We can help! Our 5 Week Webinar Series will give you the tools you need to make lasting changes. During this 5 Week Series You Will: • Identify what type of eater is dominant for you • Begin to Reprogram your Food…
Testimonial from Michele Camacho
Thank you Michele Camacho for this wonderful testimonial!
Did you see this study about Sugar???
I’m so glad that these studies are finally getting attention in the media. It’s bad news for all of the cupcake shops, frozen yogurt stands and soda makers, but can be good news for you if you take it to heart and start reducing your intake of added sugar! Please take the time to…