Snack Attack – Day 14
What do you think of when you hear the word “snack?” Do you think of it as a positive word or negative word? I find that many people consider it a negative word and an un-healthy action; because many typical snack foods are not particularly healthy; ie. candy bars, cookies, chips, etc… Women especially will…
1 Minute Stress Buster – Day 13
Have you ever reacted to something by shrugging your shoulders in or clenching your fists or tightening your jaw? Then maybe several minutes later you realize you are still ‘all tensed up’ and remember to relax. It feels so much better. Sometimes you might be tense and tight for most of the day which can…
Have you ever tried Meatless Monday? – Day 12
Have you ever thought about not eating meat? Maybe not for the rest of your life, but just for one day? There is a global movement that has been around since 2003 called Meatless Monday associated with Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Since that time it has gone global and thousands of famous business people, athletes…
RECIPES for YOU! – Day 11
Have you thought about what you’re going to be eating this week? If you haven’t planned much I thought I would give you a few recipes that are easy and maybe that will help you put together a plan. I’m going to include the full recipes in the blog so it will be lonnnnngggg and…
Go Weekend Warriors! – Day 10
I can’t emphasize enough how important activity is on your road to being Healthy & Happy. Many people cram their weekdays so full that they don’t squeeze in time to get some exercise and then use the weekend to ‘relax.’ I’d like to encourage you to actually become a Weekend Warrior. Webster’s definition of Weekend Warrior…
Enjoy the Mediterranean, take a “Meal Trip” – Day 9
The Mediterranean Diet is often touted as “The Healthiest Diet on the Planet – and I am a huge fan! A recent study by US News & World Report ranked it #1 for Plant based diets and tied for third for overall diets. The other diets on the top of the list are all plans developed by…
More Food for Thought – Day 8
Drum roll please…. Introducing the rest of the list of Top 10 Brain Boosting Foods! LEAFY GREENS Leafy greens are high in iron and iron deficiency has been linked to lagging memory. Without iron, you can’t produce enough blood cells, so less oxygen gets to your brain to feed those important cells. Besides spinach, leafy greens…
Stay Hydrated – Stay Healthier – Day 7

DRINK MORE WATER. I could end this blog post now, however, I do have a little more to say about drinking water and staying hydrated. As a health professional I’ve been talking about drinking water for YEARS! As in more than 20 years. I can remember early in my career, in my first year or…
Remember these Foods – Day 6
Everything works together in our body, what we eat, what we drink, how we act, how we think. Remember, Food is our Fuel – it what keep us going! Certain foods are a better source of fuel than others; especially for our BRAIN. Did you know that certain foods have been show to improve memory,…
YOU are Amazing – Day 5
In the past week I’ve seen or heard Mark Twain’s quote – “The most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” 3 or 4 times, so it must be a good thing to mention in my first blog post about the Y in HAPPY, which…