Remember these Foods – Day 6

Everything works together in our body, what we eat, what we drink, how we act, how we think.  Remember, Food is our Fuel – it what keep us going!  Certain foods are a better source of fuel than others; especially for our BRAIN.

Did you know that certain foods have been show to improve memory, cognition and attention span?  How cool is that?  I’ve identified 10 Super Foods for the Brain and I’ll discuss 5 of them today and 5 more in a future blog this month!  I’ll also feature a post about what foods might be slowing your brain down…you won’t want to miss it!

This list is not in any particular order.  I’ll give you a short explanation about why it s SUPER Brain Food plus an idea of how to enjoy it in your regular meals!  There are several scientific terms in this post, however, I can’t really explain the benefits without mentioning some hard to pronounce words!!

Super Foods for your Brain!


Blueberries: contain a kind of flavonoid called “anthocyanin.” Flavonoids are best known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory health benefits as well as the support of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Strawberries contain anthocyanins, too, as well as another brain-boosting flavonoid called “quercetin.”

Idea: Slice strawberries on top of a spinach salad.


Fatty fish contains DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid that plays a critical role in your brain’s function. One of the reasons fish oil plays such a big role in brain health and in the health of other organs like your heart is that many of the vitamins you need require fat to break them down. Vitamins A, E, D and K are all fat-soluble—so if you don’t have healthy fat in your diet, very little vitamin A, E, D or K can get absorbed into your system! Some of the best sources of fatty fish are salmon, sardines, albacore tuna, halibut, trout, herring, cod, and whitefish.

Idea: Order a fish on this list you haven’t tried next time you go out to eat.


Green tea is made from unfermented leaves and reportedly contains the highest concentration of polyphenols of all the tea varieties. Green tea is full of these antioxidants—particularly one called EGCG, Epigallocatechin gallate. EGCG protects the brain by lowering the amount of protein that builds up as plaque. This plaque has been linked to the type of memory loss and nerve damage common in Alzheimer’s patients. Green tea is said to be the world’s healthiest beverage!

Idea: Replace one cup of Coffee or other tea with Green Tea.


Dark chocolate contains a special kind of flavonoid called “procyanidin.” This flavonoid counteracts the damage to the brain caused by inflammation and oxidation. Procyanidins also boost the circulation of blood to the brain, and along with this blood come oxygen and nutrients for optimum health.

Idea: Enjoy one square of dark chocolate a few times a week (the higher Cacao percentage the better)


Grape juice is full of nutrients, including valuable antioxidants that could reverse the sensitivity of certain receptors in the brain and, in so doing, enhance its overall cognitive function. Grape juice also has an uncanny ability to increase the production of dopamine in the brain.

Idea: Add 2 oz of grape juice to your protein shake

I think the easiest selection to add on this list is Green Tea – the majority of us drink some type of warm beverage each morning with a little caffeine – why not have Green Tea instead?  It also tastes great over ice with a mint sprig.

Which of these foods do you think will be the easiest for you to add to your routine?

Health & Bliss to You,


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