SPAM Kills…Guidelines for a Low-Sodium Diet

Consuming a diet high in sodium increases risk for high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease.

Foods to Avoid:

When it comes to salt content, cured, canned, and processed meats are absolutely the most evil. One serving of SPAM contains 1369 mg of sodium (57% of the daily recommended intake). Yikes.

The list is shortly followed by prepared convenience foods like frozen meals, instant noodles, packaged cookies and crackers, salad dressings, and condiments.  Even canned vegetables are highly seasoned with salt.

Here are some tips to help lower the amount of sodium in your diet: 

  • Eat more home-cooked meals. Foods cooked from scratch are naturally lower in sodium, since you are in control of how much salt is added.
  • Be creative and season your food with spices and herbs— try freshly ground pepper, a sprig of rosemary or basil, garlic, paprika, or a squeeze of fresh lemon!
  • Read, read, READ ingredient labels to identify foods high in sodium! High sodium food additives include salt, monosodium glutamate (MSG), sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), and sodium nitrate.

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