Easy 3 Ingredient Snack

Try this Easy 3 Ingredient Snack!

I’m breaking a few blogging rules with this post today. I’ve been told that you should make sure that all your images are beautiful. This super easy snack is so simple that I just had to take pictures making it  today – it’s not a fancy schmancy photograph but it shows you how easy it is.


The reason that I say that it’s stinkin’ is because when you make hard boiled eggs it does create a little bit of a stink in the house! So let me introduce the three ingredient snack: DEVILED EGGS.

EASY PEASY DIRECTIONS: Hard Boil Eggs, then let them cool, peel them, cut them in half, take out the yolks, mash with a fork, add some mayonnaise and mustard, stir it, put the yolks back in. And don’t worry if the yokes aren’t  all pretty when you put them back in the egg it doesn’t really matter – you’re eating them as a snack you’re not using them as a fancy appetizer.  (see photo below, continuing to break the blogging rules with a basic photo of non-fancy deviled eggs)


You may want to add a little salt and pepper or you can sprinkle the top with paprika I find that I don’t even have to bother with that because the mustard has enough of the tang and saltiness to make it just fine.

To make it even easier you can buy the hard-boiled egg already cooked and peeled and all you have to do is transform them into this Stinkin’ Easy snack.

I’m not going to give you an exact recipe because I want you to learn how to just put things together and not worry about exact measurements because cooking is really not that hard!

However to give you a guideline –  I think I cooked eight eggs (one didn’t peel very well so it contributed yolk only)  and added a spoonful of mayonnaise and about half the quantity of mustard because the flavor of mustard is much stronger.

Experiment a little bit because you can always add more. I use either olive oil mayonnaise or the light mayonnaise you can get a soy or vegan version – whatever you prefer.

I find that 1 or 2 of these is a perfect little “bite of something” – and a few carrot sticks. Enjoy!

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