Mind Your Mind – Day 29

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “Meditation?”

Do you think – oh, that’s “woo-woo”; or “I’d fall asleep” – or perhaps you confuse Meditation with some type cosmic gift like intuition, premonition, sixth sense, whatever it might be.  If you have a reluctant or negative perception of meditation I highly urge you to think differently! I also encourage you to use the words”Time Off” for your mind instead of meditation.


I was looking up research about meditation and found an UBER amount of studies and testimonials from amazingly successful people – Meditation works.

But, you know what? Anything that makes you MINDFUL or creates a PAUSE in your day will give you positive results in all areas of your life!

Because I found so many resources supporting the benefits of meditation I figured that you can find them too.  Harvard, Mayo Clinic, testimonials from Billionaires and Moves Stars. I thought I’d give you a few tips of how you can “mind your mind.”

You don’t have to be in a Yoga pose chanting “ohm” to meditate; you simply need to PAUSE and STOP THINKING so your subconscious can get to work.

Here are a few 2-3 minute ideas to help you PAUSE and give your mind a rest:

1. When you wake up in the morning and press “snooze” take a few minutes to reflect, take several deep breaths and think about being Recharged!

2. Shower Trance – you know what it is; you are standing in the shower and are done washing your hair, shaving, etc… but you are still standing there.  The next time this happens start repeating positive affirmations instead of wandering thoughts.

3. Read & Reflect – If you are in the habit of reading – anything; a blog post, the daily newspaper, Facebook feeds, a magazine – after you have read an article PAUSE for 2-3 minutes and reflect on what you read.

4 – Walk the Think – OK, that doesn’t have the same ring to it as Walk the Talk but it’s a different idea.  When you exercise (walk, run, treadmill, elliptical) I encourage you to listen to music or a podcast, but at some point you need to turn it off.  Use the rule of thirds; listen or engage in something for 2/3 of the time and gift yourself with silence for 1/3 of the time.  Your mind will be so creative and if you are outdoors you’ll be able to concentrate on the beauty of nature.


5 – Watch positive STUFF.  I’m sure you’ve heard of “Vision Boards” – and if not they are a visual display of your goals. Last year I was introduced to a MOVIE vision board, called Mind Movies.  It might be a little “woo-woo” for you; but check it out anyway. I am not an expert in this area; I practice it, but I don’t create it, so I defer to an expert.

In this incredible new video, my good friend Natalie Ledwell from Mind Movies, you’ll  learn how to instantly unleash the power of the Law of Attraction and get everything you could ever possibly want. CLICK HERE to check it out.



I would love to hear about your Mind Your Mind experience!  Email me at Susie@TheSusieGarcia.com

Health & Bliss to You,



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