Eat, Drink & Be Healthy – Quarterly Newsletter

If you aren’t on my email list I wanted to make sure you got a copy of my quarterly newsletter!  I’d love to hear your feedback!

Healthy Tips, Recipes and More!  Susie’s Quarterly Newsletter

What is Your Biggest Health Challenge?

I bet I can guess!

It’s time! It’s time that no one seems to have enough of and everyone wants more of. It also is the number one excuse that I hear from clients, colleagues and friends for why they aren’t leading the healthy lifestyle that they really want to live.

I want to give you two Quick Time Tips today. And they’re easy because all you have to remember is the number two!

1. Eat within TWO hours after you wake up so that you get your metabolism going.

2. And don’t eat for at least TWO hours before you go to bed.

See…how easy that is?

If you are having trouble with time, meal preparation and eating the right things, don’t overwhelm yourself. Start with this super QuickTime Tip and see if that helps improve your your energy level! I will make you feel good about doing something (instead of nothing!) – which will lead to making healthier choices more often!

If time isn’t your biggest health challenge I would love to hear from you and find out what it is. I can use it for a future blog post or another newsletter!

Send me an email:

Eat Highly Nutritious Foods +

Drink Water All Day

= Being Healthy

I believe in keeping things simple so my newsletter is Eat, Drink & Be Healthy. If you’re eat highly nutritious foods throughout the day and stay hydrated you will definitely be on the right track to improving your health!

My most Popular Blog Post

For National Nutrition Month (March) I decided to blog every day and posted a lot of great recipes.  this one was the most popular – Brussels Bites! A tasty appetizer that is easy to make!

Get My Free Guide

I’ve created a new guide, 5 Simple Steps to Clean EatingPLUS! 5 Amazing Recipes so You Can Start Now!Get Your Copy Today!

On the set for PathFinder TV series

As you may know I am a motivational speaker and have had wonderful opportunities to appear on different television shows, radio stations, Internet radio and my favorite – LIVE presentations! If you know of a company or organization that is looking for a speaker on health & wellness and how to keep yourself healthy and run a healthy business I would love that referral! You can learn more on my website.or send me an email! –

Take a Hike!!

Literally – try to take some time this week to get outside and enjoy nature!  Of course here in California we are having gorgeous spring days; if you are in a colder climate bundle up and walk fast!If you’re local and want to get together for walks – Join my MeetUp Group – Living Healthy is Fun!


I am going to be a featured speaker at The Unstoppable Women Tour in Charleston, SC on April 25th! 

I’m honored to be sharing the stage with other amazing women.


There are vendor and sponsorship opportunities available, let me know if you or a company you know of are interested!

Proceeds support women in crisis, living in shelters and/or young girls involved with the Boys & Girls Clubs.


Email me:

 Day 30 #NationalNutritionMonth
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