Are You Toxic? – Day 18

Have you ever thought about doing a Detox Diet? And what what does that exactly mean? Traditionally, a Detox Diet takes away of lot of toxic and inflammatory foods and leaves you eating super super super clean.

I personally have done a couple of Detox Diets and I have led clients through them; and I have to say that although they are effective, they are not long-lasting. What happens is you end up eliminating a lot of different foods all at once and it makes it very difficult to stick to. Many people actually go through detox symptoms, which isn’t very comfortable.



However, if you are not eating clean you may be experiencing a lot of symptoms that are showing you that you are actually toxic; which can be worse than the detox symptoms!  By toxic I mean that your body isn’t functioning to its full optimum level.

Below are several questions that I would like you to take a moment and read. If you answer yes to more than five of the questions you probably have a level of toxicity in your body which means that you should look at eating cleaner. Clean eating is basically eating fewer processed foods, choosing organic as often as possible and a few other guidelines. Tomorrow’s blog will outline 5 Simple Steps to Eating Clean!



Do you experience fatigue or low energy levels?

Do you experience brain fog, lack of concentration and /or poor memory?

Do you crave or eat sugar?

Do you have less than two bowel movements per day?

Do you feel sleepy after meals, bloated or gassy?

Do you experience indigestion/acid reflux after eating?

Are you overweight?

Do you experience recurring yeast infections, jock itch, or foot fungus?

Do you have arthritic aches and pains or stiffness?

Do you take prescription medications, sedatives or stimulants?

Do you experience frequent headaches?

Do you live with or near polluted air, water or other environmental pollution?

Do you have bad breath or excessive body odor?

Do you experience depression or mood swings?

Do you have food allergies or skin problems?

Do you eat fast food, fatty foods, pre-prepared foods or fried foods more than three times a week?

Do you drink coffee, sodas, diet sodas and/or energy drinks?


ADD UP YOUR YES’s and Check tomorrow’s blog for 5 Simple Steps to Clean Eating!

Health & Bliss to You,



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